Sunday 24 May 2009

Tarnaveniul vechi

From the early 19th century until 1918, when Transylvania voted to unite with Romania, the city was a local administrative center inside the Kingdom of Hungary and Austria-Hungary. During the Revolution of 1848-1849, Târnăveni was included in the administrative units of Romanians resisting the Hungarian Revolutionary government, and, as part of the 3rd Legion, Cetatea de Baltă, provided soldiers for the army of Avram Iancu; its prefect was Vasile Moldovan (the latter was ultimately defeated and settled in Boziaş, where he later died).


  1. it kinda looks as it is today.. this is not a good thing:D

  2. I love the pictures .... love the pictures that illustrate cities as once were

  3. wau what a old picturesi like it
